Relevant Tones: Texas New Music Festival 2023 (part 1)

In its 9th year, Texas New Music Ensemble goes big with its inaugural week-long summer music festival. Held at the Midtown Arts and Theater Center Houston: MATCH, the Texas New Music Festival 2023 featured 6 concerts, a film screening, 10 lectures, and included 20 composer participants. 

I attended the festival, and had the opportunity to speak with many of the contributing artists. In this two-part episode, we feature their music and insights into new music performance, community building, wellness, and much more.

Part 1 of this episode highlights Chad Robinson, composer and artistic director of Texas New Music Festival and guest performer artist Meg Griffith.

You can listen to our conversations here.


Cycling, Panayiotis Kokoras; Meg Griffith
emergent patterns, Cameron Johnston; TNME
Rhapsodie Noir, Chad Robinson; TNME
States of Nostalgia, Sofia Vaisman; TNME
Polifonia Concreta II, Marcelo Toledo; Meg Griffith


Relevant Tones: Texas New Music Festival 2023 (part 2)


Relevant Tones: Tina Davidson