Relevant Tones: Texas New Music Festival 2023 (part 2)
In its 9th year, Texas New Music Ensemble goes big with its inaugural week-long summer music festival (July 10-16). Held at the Midtown Arts and Theater Center Houston: MATCH, the Texas New Music Festival 2023 featured 6 concerts, a film screening, 10 lectures, and included 20 composer participants.
Relevant Tones co-host Stephen Anthony Rawson attended the festival, and had the opportunity to speak with many of the contributing artists. In this two-part episode, we feature their music and insights into new music performance, community building, wellness, and much more.
In this second installment, we will feature Martín Quiroga Jr, executive director of Texas New Music Festival, guest composer Rob Smith, guest conductor Felipe Tristán, and student competition winner Mojgan Misaghi.
You can listen to our conversations here.
Ballade No. 1 from Four Ballades (After Chopin), Edward Nesbit, TNME
Chaw, Rob Smith; TNME
Sound Therapy, Donovan Walker; TNME
Kimiya, The Rare Bird, Mojgan Misaghi; TNME